
In the scrubber in the electrostatic precipitator the gases are passed through :
  • filter
  • lime
  • spray of water
  • both 2 and 3


both 2 and 3

What measures are taken for disposal of solid wastes ?

The various measures taken for disposal of Solid Wastes are:

1. Burning of municipal solid wastes to reduce their volume. 

2. Use of sanitary landfills instead of open-burning dumps.

3. Incineration of municipal wastes and using the heat emitted to generate electricity.

4. Recycling of various components of e-waste.

5. Categorisation and sorting of wastes into three categories called (a) bio-degradable, (b) recyclable and (c) the non-biodegradable.

6. Reducing the amount of garbage and the use of non-biodegradable materials like plastic.



Write in brief about Montreal Protocol.

Montreal Protocol is an international treaty that was signed at Montreal (Canada) in 1987 to control the emission of ozone depleting substances. It came into effect in the year 1989. It was designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for its depletion. According to the treaty the use, production and emission of Chloroflorocarbons(CFCs) was decreased . The CFCs were replaced by Hydroflorocarbons( HFCs) which proved to be less harmful to the ozone and atmosphere. 


What is deforestation ? List the causes of deforestation.

Deforestation is the cutting and clearing of a forest and its conversion into a non-forested one.  

Causes for Deforestation

(i) Conversion of forests into agricultural land to feed the growing human population.

(ii) Clearing of forests for making homes and establishing industries.

(iii) Excessive cutting of trees for trees for timber, fire wood, etc.

(iv) Practising of agricultural methods like Jhum cultivation in the north-eastern states which involves cutting down of trees and burning its remains to form fertilizers.

(v) Natural calamities like fire, floods and droughts that lead to destruction of the forest.


Ozone depletion will cause :
  • Forest fire
  • Pneumonia
  • Increased incidence of skin cancer
  • None of these


Increased incidence of skin cancer
