The French Revolution

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France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic

  1. The fall of the Jacobin government allowed the wealthier middle classes to seize power.
  2. A new constitution was introduced.
  3. Voting right to the non-propertied sections of the society was denied.
  4. The new constitution provided for two elected legislative councils.
  5. These councils appointed an executive consisting of five members, called the Directory.
  6. The directory was formed for avoiding the concentration of power.
  7. Differences were formed for avoiding the concentration of power.
  8. Differences arose between the Directory and the legislative councils which paved the way for the rise of a military dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.

A Directory Rules France

  1. The fall of the Jacobin government allowed the wealthier middle classes to seize power.
  2. A new constitution was introduced.
  3. Voting right to the non-propertied sections of the society was denied.
  4. The new constitution provided for two elected legislative councils.
  5. These councils appointed an executive consisting of five members, called the Directory.
  6. The directory was formed for avoiding the concentration of power.
  7. Differences were formed for avoiding the concentration of power.
  8. Differences arose between the Directory and the legislative councils which paved the way for the rise of a military dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.

The Reign of Terror

  1. The period from 1793 to 1794 is referred to as the Reign of Terror.
  2. Jacobins under Robespierre practised a policy of severe control and repression.
  3. Those suspected as the 'enemies' of the republic were arrested, imprisoned and then tried by a revolutionary tribunal. These included ex-nobles, clergymen, members of other political parties and those who criticized the Jacobin's rule.
  4. They were guillotined if the court found them guilty.
  5. Robespierre's government imposed a maximum ceiling on wages and prices.
  6. Meat and bread were rationed.
  7. Peasants were forced to sell their grain at the prices fixed by the government.
  8. All citizens were required to eat the pain d'egalite (equally bread) and discarded the use of expensive white flour.
  9. All French men and women were henceforth called citoyen and Citoyenne not anymore Monsieur and Madame.
  10. Churches were shut down and their buildings converted into barracks or offices.