Multiple Choice Questions


Ribose is an example of:

  • ketohexose

  • disaccharide

  • pentose

  • polysaccharide



Pentose is a 5-carbon atom monosaccharide.

Ketohexose is a carbohydrate having 6C atoms and a ketonic group.

Disaccharide is a carbohydrate in which on hydrolysis given 2 molecules of monosaccharides.

Polysaccharides give more than two molecules of monosaccharides on hydrolysis.


A catalyst :

  • lowers the activation energy

  • change the rate constant

  • change the product

  • itself destroys in the reaction

Among the following, the monosaccharide is :

  • cellulose

  • starch

  • fructose

  • sucrose

Which one of the following is an ester ?

  • Coconout oil

  • Kerosene oil

  • Soap

  • Glycerine

Vitamin B12 contains :

  • Co

  • Mn

  • Mg

  • Fe


Glucose is a/an:

  • polyhydroxy ketone

  • alcohol

  • hydrate of carbon

  • pentahydroxy aldehyde

The deficiency of iodine in diet causes :

  • rickets

  • nightblindness

  • beri-beri

  • goiter

Which one of the following structures represents the peptide chain ?

Proteins are :

  • polypeptides with low molecular weights

  • polypeptides with high molecular weights

  • polymers of amides

  • polymers of secondary amines


Phospholipids are esters of glycerol with

  • one carboxylic acid residue and two phosphate groups

  • three phosphate groups

  • three carboxylic acid residues

  • two carboxylic acid residues and one phosphate groups
