Multiple Choice Questions


Phospholipids are esters of glycerol with

  • one carboxylic acid residue and two phosphate groups

  • three phosphate groups

  • three carboxylic acid residues

  • two carboxylic acid residues and one phosphate groups


two carboxylic acid residues and one phosphate groups

Phospholipids are esters of glycerol with two carboxylic acid residue and one phosphate group. Hence, phospholipids may be regarded as derivative of glycerol in which two hydroxyl groups are esterified with fatty acid, while third is esterified with phosphoric acid.


Glucose is a/an:

  • polyhydroxy ketone

  • alcohol

  • hydrate of carbon

  • pentahydroxy aldehyde

Among the following, the monosaccharide is :

  • cellulose

  • starch

  • fructose

  • sucrose

Vitamin B12 contains :

  • Co

  • Mn

  • Mg

  • Fe

A catalyst :

  • lowers the activation energy

  • change the rate constant

  • change the product

  • itself destroys in the reaction


Which one of the following is an ester ?

  • Coconout oil

  • Kerosene oil

  • Soap

  • Glycerine

The deficiency of iodine in diet causes :

  • rickets

  • nightblindness

  • beri-beri

  • goiter

Proteins are :

  • polypeptides with low molecular weights

  • polypeptides with high molecular weights

  • polymers of amides

  • polymers of secondary amines

Which one of the following structures represents the peptide chain ?


Ribose is an example of:

  • ketohexose

  • disaccharide

  • pentose

  • polysaccharide
