Multiple Choice Questions


. Principle: In criminal law, misappropriation is the intentional, illegal use of the property or funds of another person for one's own use or other unauthorized purpose, particularly by a public official, a trustee of a trust, an executor or administrator of a dead person's estate or by any person with a responsibility to care for and protect another's assets. Embezzlement is misappropriation when the funds involved have been lawfully entrusted to the embezzler. On the contrary, theft is the illegal taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

Facts: A went for swimming at the Municipal Swimming Pool. A handed over all his valuables, including some cash to X, the guard on duty for safe custody, as notified by the Municipality. After swimming for an hour, A came out and searched for X. He found another guard on duty and that guard informed A that X had gone home after completing his shift and did not hand over anything to be given to A. A registered a complaint with the police. X was traced but he told the police that he sold all the valuables and the entire cash was used for drinking liquor. What offence, if any, was/were committed by X?

  •  X is not guilty of criminal misappropriation as he did not make any personal gain out of those items with him.

  •  X is liable for criminal misappropriation and embezzlement.

  •  X is liable for theft as he took A’s property without X’s permission.

  •  X is liable for theft as he took A’s property without X’s permission.


 X is liable for criminal misappropriation and embezzlement.



The Supreme Court of India has struck down the Constitution (Ninet yninth Amendment) Act, 2014 as unconstitutional. It is related to -

  • National Judicial Appointment Commission

  • Religious Rights

  • Land Exchange between India and Bangladesh

  • Land Exchange between India and Bangladesh


Which among the following does not belong to the 'right to freedom of religion'?

  • Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.

  • Freedom from attending religious instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions.

  • Freedom from payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion.

  • Freedom from payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion.


 Principle: When a person who has made a promise to another person to do something does not fulfill his promise, the other person becomes entitled to receive, from the person who did not fulfill his promise, compensation in the form of money.

Facts: ‘X’ made a promise to ‘Y’ to repair his car engine. ‘Y’ made the payment for repair. After the repair, ‘Y’ went for a drive in the same car. While driving the car, ‘Y’ met with an accident due to bursting of a tyre.

  • ‘Y’ will be entitled to receive compensation from ‘X’ in the form of money Aglasem Admission

  •  ‘X’ will not be entitled to receive compensation.

  •  ‘X’ will be entitled to receive compensation from ‘Y’ in the form of money.

  •  ‘X’ will be entitled to receive compensation from ‘Y’ in the form of money.


Principle: Under the Employees Compensation Act, 1923, an employer is liable to pay compensation to his workmen for injuries sustained by them by an accident arising out of and in the course of employment.

Facts: M, the Manager of SRK Industries asked his secretary S to submit a report at the Government Labour Office. ‘S’ submitted the report as directed. On his way back S met one of his class mates. He then decided to have a cup of tea together on a way side restaurant. Sometime later, ‘S’ got a message from his office to report back as it was long time since he left the office. ‘S’ rushed back on his Motor Cycle. On his way back a Truck which was coming from a side road hit ‘S’. He was admitted in a nearby hospital with multiple injuries. He claims compensation under the Employees Compensation Act from his employer.

  •  The Employer is not liable as the truck driver was negligent.

  •  The Employer is liable as S had to rush back to the office, because of the message from the office.

  •  The Employer is liable to pay compensation as the accident took place arising out of and in the course of employment.


  •  The Employer is liable to pay compensation as the accident took place arising out of and in the course of employment.




Under the Constitution of India 'Right to Pollution Free Environment' has emerged as a fundamental right from the right to-

  • Life and personal liberty under Article 21

  • Freedom of movement under Article 19

  • Conserve culture under Article 29.

  • Conserve culture under Article 29.


Principle: Contract is a written or spoken agreement, with specific terms between two or more persons or entities in which there is a promise to do something in return for a valuable benefit known as consideration. Such an agreement is intended to be enforceable by law. A unilateral contract is one in which there is a promise to pay or give other consideration in return for actual performance.

Facts: A Toilet Soap Manufacturing Company in India in order to promote the sale of their product, published an advertisement in all the Newspapers on January 1, 2017 that the Company has kept a model ignition key of an Audi A3 Car. The advertisement also stated that whoever gets the said key before December 31, 2017 from a soap bar will be gifted with the Audi A3 Car. Mr. Martin, a foreigner who came to India as a Tourist who was staying in a Hotel found a Key similar to same Car Ignition Key. Mr. Martin brought this matter to the notice of the Hotel Manager. The Manager informed Mr. Martin about the Company’s advertisement on January 1, 2017. Mr. Martin wants to claim the Car. Will he succeed?

  •  No. The Soap Company has not entered into a contract with Mr. Martin as he was not in India on January 1, 2017 when the advertisement was published.

  •  No. Actual intention of the Company was to promote the sale of the Soap.

  •  The Hotel Manager who could legally claim the Car as he was the one actually purchased the soap for the use in the Hotel.

  •  The Hotel Manager who could legally claim the Car as he was the one actually purchased the soap for the use in the Hotel.


As per law the minimum age for the marriage of a boy and a girl in India is

  • 21 years in both cases

  • 18 years and 21 years respectively

  • 21 years and 18 years respectively

  • 21 years and 18 years respectively


Which Indian State has prescribed minimum educational qualification for candidates contesting panchayat polls?

  • Gujarat

  • Kerala

  • Punjab

  • Punjab



The object of which one of the following writs is to prevent a person to hold public office which he is not legally entitled to hold?

  • Quo warranto

  • Quo warranto

  • Prohibition

  • Prohibition

