Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is involved in formation of heme?

  • Lysine

  • Glycine

  • Tryosine

  • Arginine



Heme is the prosthetic group of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cycochromes. It is an asymmetric molecule.

The heme ring system is synthesised from glycine and succinyl -CoA. It begins with condensation of glycine and succinyl -CoA with decarboxylation to form 8-aminolurilinic acid (ALA).


Which of the following food-stuffs contains nitrogen?

  • Carbohydrates

  • fats

  • Proteins

  • None of these

Glucose is obtained from

  • Starch

  • Molasses

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • None of these

The human body does not produce

  • enzyme

  • DNA

  • vitamins

  • hormones

Which of the following contains thymine?

  • m-RNA

  • r-RNA

  • t-RNA

  • None of the above


Fibrous protein are not present in

  • myosin

  • albumins

  • collagen

  • fibroin

Which of the following statements is true?

  • Denaturation of protein changes the primary structure of protein

  • All proteins act as biocatalyst

  • C-terminal amino acid in proteins is determined by Edman degradation

  • The pleated sheet structure of proteins was determined by Pauling

Which of the following is not a biopolyme?

  • Polysaccharide

  • Protein

  • Lipid

  • Nucleic acid

Which of the following is not basic amino acid?

  • Leucine

  • Lysine

  • Arginine

  • Histidine


Which of the following is not present in DNA?

  • Adenine

  • Guanine

  • Uracil

  • Thymine
