Multiple Choice Questions


In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

The day was extremely hot and, in no time, my back was drenched with ________ .

  • prickly heat

  • perspiration

  • sores

  • fatigue




In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

In spite of the old woman's repeated entreaties, he remained ________ .

  • ashamed

  • docile

  • indifferent

  • lethargic

In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Are you feeling doubtful ________ your decision?

  • about

  • upon

  • at

  • for

In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

I want to study Geology now for I ________ Zoology for the last three years.

  • am studying

  • have been studying

  • had studied

  • had been studying

In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Sunlight filtering ________ the stained glass window created a mosaic of colours on the floor.

  • in

  • through

  • at

  • into


In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Satish was endowed ________ a natural talent for music.

  • in

  • by

  • for

  • with

In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

To say that we were surprised at the cleverness of the child is an understatement; we were really ________ .

  • annoyed

  • astounded

  • flattered

  • confused

In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

The Government is encouraging village upliftment ________ in the country.

  • programmes

  • designs

  • talks

  • propaganda

In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Increase in storage facilities has made it possible to store goods at places ________ to people all over the country.

  • safe

  • easy

  • proper

  • convenient


In the following sentence fill in the blank with appropriate word(s). Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Mr. Ghosh is very happy ________ his son's excellent result.

  • for seeing

  • to see

  • by seeing

  • see
