
Multiple Choice Questions

The excretory material of bony fish is

  • urea

  • protein

  • ammonia

  • amino acid

Solenocytes are associated with

  • respiration

  • digestion

  • excretion

  • nutrition

Moulting hormone is secreted by

  • corpora cardacum

  • corpora allata

  • neurosecretory hormone

  • prothoracic gland

In sea anemone, the symmetry is

  • radial

  • bilateral

  • spherical

  • absent


Shell of molluscs is derived from

  • foot

  • mantle

  • ctenidia

  • placoid

Connecting link between annelids and molluscs is

  • Neopilina

  • Peripatus

  • Periplaneta

  • Limulus

Tuberllarians are free living

  • nematodes

  • cestodes

  • flat worms

  • trematodes

In Mollusca, eye is present over a stalk, called

  • ostracum

  • operculum

  • ommatophores

  • osphradium


The intermediate host of Schistosoma is

  • Snail

  • mosquito

  • housefly

  • sheep

The characteristic larva of Phylum- 'Coelenterata' is

  • planula

  • cysticercus

  • rhabdiform

  • wriggler
