Multiple Choice Questions


Branch of zoology dealing with the study of fishes is called

  • Arthrology

  • Ichthyology

  • Saurology

  • Herpetology



Branch of Zoology Area
Arthrology Study of Joints
Ichthyology Study of Fishes
Saurology Study of Lizards
Herpetology Study of Reptiles


Which of the following cells in earthworm play a role similar to liver in vertebrates?

  • Amoebocytes

  • Mucocytes

  • Chloragogen cells

  • Epidermal cells

Ichthyology is study of

  • Aves

  • Amphibians

  • Reptiles

  • Fishes

Chondrichthyes is characterised by

  • Placoid scale

  • Placoid scale and ventral mouth

  • Ventral mouth

  • Ctenoid scale and ventral mouth

Theory of continuity of germplasm was propounded by

  • Mendel

  • Lamarck

  • Weismann

  • Haeckel


Bilateral symmetry, metameric segmentation, coelom and open circulatory system are the features of

  • Annelida

  • Arthropoda

  • Mollusca

  • Echinodermata

Select incorrect pair

  • Porifera – Choanocytes

  • Coelenterata – Nematocysts

  • Annelida – Segmentation

  • Monera – Eukaryote

The most primitive vertebrates are

  • Ostracoderms

  • Cephalochordates

  • Placoderms

  • Cyclostomes

Match the following and select the correct option.

List I List II
A. Cyclostomes 1. Hemichordata
B. Ayes 2. Urochordata
C. Tunicates 3. Agantha
D. Balanoglossus 4. Pisces
E. Osteichthyes 5. Tetrapod

  • A B C D E
    3 5 2 1 4
  • A B C D E
    3 1 5 2 4
  • A B C D E
    1 2 3 4 5
  • A B C D E
    2 3 4 1 5


Correctly matched set of phylum, class and example is

  • Protozoa-Mastigophora-Entamoeba

  • Mollusca=-Bivalvia-c-Pmcrcdc

  • Arthropoda-Diplopoda-Scolopendra

  • Chordata-Cyclostomata-Phrynosoma
