Multiple Choice Questions


The structure present in all adult vertebrates is

  • Notochord

  • Dorsal tubular nerve cord

  • Pharyngeal gill slits

  • All of these


Dorsal tubular nerve cord

Dorsal tubular nerve cord is the characteristic feature of all adult vertebrate. It is a gel-like substance and is remnant of the notochord.


Which one of the following is not a vertebrate?

  • Sea cow

  • Sea lion

  • Sea horse

  • Sea hare

 A connecting link between plant and animal kingdom is

  • Paramecium

  • Chlamydomonas

  • Chlorella

  • Euglena

A horse and a donkey can breed to produce mule which is an infertile animal. The infertility is because horse and donkey belong to different.

  • Class

  • Order

  • Species

  • Genus

 Match the following Columns.

Column I (organism) Column II (Connecting Link)
A. Echina 1. Between Annelida and Mollusca
B. Peripatus 2. Between Reptiles and Mammals
C. Neopilina 3. Between Annelida and Arthropoda
D. Protopterus 4. Between Pisces and Amphibian

  • A – 4; B – 3; C – 2; D – 1

  • A – 2; B – 3; C – 1; D – 4

  • A – 3; B – 1; C – 2; D – 4

  • A – 4; B – 2; C – 1; D – 3


Slime-mould belongs to

  • kingdom-Protista

  •  Kingdom-Monera

  • Kingdom-Fungi

  • Kingdom-Plantae

Consider the following statements and Choose correct ones from given options.

(I) Shark do not have any bone in its body.

(II) Water snake and salamander belongs to same class and have largest RBC.

(III) Silver fish is a true fish while cuttle and star fishes are mollusks and echinoderms respectively.

(IV) Ornithorhynchus is a connecting link between reptiles and mammals.

  • I, II and IV

  • I and IV

  • I, II and III

  •  III and IV

Animals of class-Mammalia have

  • Seven cervical vertebrae

  • Seven cranial nerve

  • Single ventricular chamber

  • Fourteen cervical vertebrae

Chondrichthyes is characterised by

  • Placoid scale

  • Ventral mouth

  • Ctenoid scale and ventral mouth

  • Placoid scale and ventral mouth


Food storage in Leucosolenia occur by

  • Ostia

  • Osculam

  • Thesocyte

  • Spongocoel
