Multiple Choice Questions


Tube feet is the locomotory organ in 

  • starfish

  • jelly fish

  • silver fish

  • Scoliodon



Tube feet are extensible tubular processes bearing suckers and present in rows on the under surface of Echinoderms. These are connected internally with water vascular system. Each tube foot has an ampulla, a podium and a sucker. These are sensory structures that take part in adhesion, locomotion, respiration and food capturing. 

Jelly fish is a member of Phylum- Coelenterata. Scoiliodon is a fish and silver fish is an arthropod.


The echinoderms are

  • arborial insects

  • marine animals

  • terrestrial insects

  • freshwater forms

Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges?

  • Thesocytes

  • Pinacocytes

  • Cnidocytes

  • Archaeocytes

During unfavourable conditions, the sponges form

  • cyst

  • encyst

  • spicule

  • Gemmule

Shell of molluscs is derived from

  • foot

  • mantle

  • ctenidia

  • placoid


Which of the following have notochord throughout life?

  • Birds

  • Fish

  • Snake

  • Amphioxus

Connecting link between annelids and molluscs is

  • Neopilina

  • Peripatus

  • Periplaneta

  • Limulus

Sea gulls excrete excess of NaCl from

  • liver

  • lungs

  • nasal activity

  • kidney

Animals having a built in thermostat to maintain constant body temperature are known as

  • biothermic

  • poikilothermic

  • oligothermic

  • homeothermic


Ruminants belong to order

  • Proboscida

  • Artiodactyla

  • Marsupials

  • Edentata
