Multiple Choice Questions


Ruminants belong to order

  • Proboscida

  • Artiodactyla

  • Marsupials

  • Edentata



Ruminants have the habit of chewing the cud. Stomach of ruminants have four parts, ie, rumen, reticulum, omassum, abomassum. They belong to Order- Artiodactyla of Class- Mammalia, eg, cow, sheep, goat.

Elephants belong to Order- Proboscidea of Class- Mammalia.

Marsupials are the members of subclass- Metatheria, in which a pouch marsupium is present for keeping and nourishing the young ones, eg, kangaroo.


Sea gulls excrete excess of NaCl from

  • liver

  • lungs

  • nasal activity

  • kidney

During unfavourable conditions, the sponges form

  • cyst

  • encyst

  • spicule

  • Gemmule

Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges?

  • Thesocytes

  • Pinacocytes

  • Cnidocytes

  • Archaeocytes

Animals having a built in thermostat to maintain constant body temperature are known as

  • biothermic

  • poikilothermic

  • oligothermic

  • homeothermic


Which of the following have notochord throughout life?

  • Birds

  • Fish

  • Snake

  • Amphioxus

Shell of molluscs is derived from

  • foot

  • mantle

  • ctenidia

  • placoid

Tube feet is the locomotory organ in 

  • starfish

  • jelly fish

  • silver fish

  • Scoliodon

Connecting link between annelids and molluscs is

  • Neopilina

  • Peripatus

  • Periplaneta

  • Limulus


The echinoderms are

  • arborial insects

  • marine animals

  • terrestrial insects

  • freshwater forms
