Multiple Choice Questions


Class Crustacea differs from lnsecta in having

  • two pairs of antennae

  • jointed foot

  • chitinous cuticle

  • none of the above


two pairs of antennae

The main characteristics of class Crustacea and Insecta are as follows :

(1) Class Crustacea : Mostly aquatic with gills, two pairs of antennae and at least three pairs of jaws, appendages mostly biramous and always more than four in the trunk region. Example : prawn, crab, lobster etc.

(2) Class Insecta : Hexapod arthropods with a pair of antennae and three pairs of Jaws. Example : cockroach, grasshopper, bees,housefly etc.


Trochophore is the larva of

  • Neopilina

  • Chiton

  • Pila

  • All of these

Which of the following character is present essentialy in chordates 

  • Ventral spinal chord

  • Dorsal heart

  •  Pharyngeal gill slits

  • Blood flow in forward direction in ventral blood vessels

Food storage in Leucosolenia occur by

  • ostia

  • osculum

  • thesocyte

  • spongocoel

'Sea fan' belongs to

  • Coelenterata

  • Porifera

  • Echinodermata

  • Mollusca


In contrast to annelids the platyhelminthes show

  • radial symmetry

  • presence of pseudocoel

  • bilateral symmetry

  • absence of body cavity

chloragogen cells help in 

  • respiration

  • reproduction

  • circulation

  • nutrition

Mantle, foot and shell are the characteristics of

  • Nautilus

  • Echinus

  • Limulus

  • Euplectella

Number of cranial nerves in frog

  • 10 pairs 

  •  9 pairs 

  • 12 pairs 

  • none of these


Chloragogen cells of earthworms are analogous to vertebrate

  • lungs

  • liver

  • gut

  • kidneys
