Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following assists in the locomotion of the organism stated

  • Epithelium of' Pheretima

  • Trichocysts of Paramecium

  • Pedicellaria of Star fish

  • Posterior sucker of Hirudinaria 


Posterior sucker of Hirudinaria 

Hirudinaria belongs to class Hirudinea of phylum-Annelida.

It has definite number of body segments (26 + 7= 33). It feeds on blood (sanguivorous) and has anticoagulant hirudin in its saliva. Hirudinaria have a posterior sucker for locomotion. Leech creep by looping and swim by undulations of body.


The red colour of 'red sea' is due to which of the following blue-green algae?

  • Chlamydomonas nivalis

  • Anabaena

  • Microcystis

  • Trichodesmium

Which cells are found only in sponges?

  • Amoeboid cells

  • Choanocytes

  • Pigment cells

  • Gland cells

A definite number of segments are found in

  • slug

  • earthworm

  • leech

  • tapeworm

Which of the following is not an insect?

  • Locust

  • Lepisma

  • Termites

  • Spider


Third cleavage of frog's development is

  • equatorial

  • vertical

  • latitudinal

  • none of these

The scientist, who described the birds as glorified reptiles, was

  • Romer

  • Huxley

  •  Mendel

  • Robert Hooke

The main excretory organ of prawn is

  • green gland

  • flame cell

  • Malphigian tubule

  • nephridia

In frog, the vertebra with an anterior convex surface (i.e., double convexties) is

  • atlas

  • urostyle

  • 8th vertebra

  • 9th vertebra


What is left when bath sponges dries up

  • Spicules

  • Spongin fibres

  • Tentacles

  • Holdfast
