Multiple Choice Questions


Green gland is the excretory organ of

  • prawn

  • butterfly

  • snail

  • earthworm



In many higher crustaceans the excretory glands are located in the head. They are called antennal glands or maxillary glands, depending on whether they open at the base of the antennae or at the maxillae. If the tubule adjacent to the excretory pore is green, the gland is called a green gland.

Malphigian tubules is the excretory organ of butterflies. It is mainly to keep a constant level of salts and water in the haemolymph or blood of the butterfly. It is also to get rid of toxic compounds that are produced during metabolism.

Nephridium is the excretory organ of snails and earthworm. In Snails, it basically removes the nitrogenous waste and maintains the internal water balance. In earthworm, carbon dioxide is excreted out from the body through its moist skin by the process of diffusion.


Which one of the following is the infective stage of Ascaris lumbricoides?

  • Unsegmented egg

  • Egg with first stage larva

  • Egg with second stage larva

  • Free third stage larva

Short Answer Type

Name two internal characteristic features of class-Mammalia

Multiple Choice Questions

In which of the following phyla, compound eyes are present?

  • Annelida

  • Arthropoda

  • Mollusca

  • Echinodermata

Water vascular system is present in which of the following phylum?

  • Porifera

  • Cnidaria

  • Ctenophora

  • Echinodermata


Mesoglia is seen in between

  • ectoderm and endoderm

  • ectoderm and mesoderm

  • mesoderm and endoderm

  • just below mesoderm

In which triploblastic animal, coelom is absent?

  • Platyhelminthes

  • Aschelminthes

  • Annelids

  • Arthropoda

Short Answer Type

State the advantages of composite fish culture.

Multiple Choice Questions

The parasite, which completes its life cycle in a single host is

  • Fasciola hepatica

  • Plasmodium vivax

  • Taenia solium

  • Ascaris lumbricoides


The typhlosole in earthworm is related with

  • excretion

  • absorption

  • respiration

  • reproduction
