Multiple Choice Questions


'Water vascular' system is found in

  • sea-anemone

  • sea-pen

  • sea-cucumber

  • sea-horse



The water vascular system is a hydraulic system used by echinoderms such as starfish, sea cucumber, etc, for locomotion, food and water transportation and respiration. The system is composed of canals connecting numerous tube feet. They move by alternately contracting muscles that force water into the tube feet, causing them to extend and push against the ground, then relasing to allow the feet to retract.


Ornithorhynchus is an example of

  • dinosaur

  • monotreme mammal

  • marsupial mammal

  • eutherian mammal

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

  • Sycon - Canal system

  • Star fish - Radial symmetry

  • Ascaris - Flame cell

  • Prawn - Haemocoel

Which of the following is a catadromous fish?

  • Hilsa sp.

  • Mystus sp.

  • Anguilla sp.

  • Channa sp.

'Organ of Jacobson' helps in

  • touch

  • vision

  • smell

  • hear


Cysticercus stage is formed in

  • Taenia

  • Plasmodium

  • Leishmania

  • Wuchereria

the scientific name of Asian Tiger Mosquito

  • Aedes aegypti

  • Aedes albopictus

  • Aedes taeniorhynchus

  • Aedes albolineatus

Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in

  • Hemichordata

  • Cephalochordata

  • Urochordata

  • Vertebrata

Radula is found in

  • Pila sp.

  • Chiton sp.

  • Lamellidens sp.

  • Pinctada sp.


Which of the following animal belongs to class-Crustacea?

  • Cockroach

  • Cyclops

  • Grasshopper

  • Mosquito
