Multiple Choice Questions


Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in

  • Hemichordata

  • Cephalochordata

  • Urochordata

  • Vertebrata



Metamorphosis is a change from the juvenile to adult stage in which larval stage is quite different from the adult stage.

In retrogressive metamorphosis, the larva possesses advanced characters which are lost during the development and the adult is either sedentary or degenerated with primitive characters.

Urochordate adults, being sedentary show degenerative characters, while the free swimming tadpole larva shows advanced chordate characters which are lost during metamorphosis. Parasitic crustaceans, like Sacculina and copepod parasites and stylopids and scale insects (Insecta) also show retrogressive metamorphosis.


the scientific name of Asian Tiger Mosquito

  • Aedes aegypti

  • Aedes albopictus

  • Aedes taeniorhynchus

  • Aedes albolineatus

'Water vascular' system is found in

  • sea-anemone

  • sea-pen

  • sea-cucumber

  • sea-horse

'Organ of Jacobson' helps in

  • touch

  • vision

  • smell

  • hear

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

  • Sycon - Canal system

  • Star fish - Radial symmetry

  • Ascaris - Flame cell

  • Prawn - Haemocoel


Ornithorhynchus is an example of

  • dinosaur

  • monotreme mammal

  • marsupial mammal

  • eutherian mammal

Radula is found in

  • Pila sp.

  • Chiton sp.

  • Lamellidens sp.

  • Pinctada sp.

Which of the following is a catadromous fish?

  • Hilsa sp.

  • Mystus sp.

  • Anguilla sp.

  • Channa sp.

Which of the following animal belongs to class-Crustacea?

  • Cockroach

  • Cyclops

  • Grasshopper

  • Mosquito


Cysticercus stage is formed in

  • Taenia

  • Plasmodium

  • Leishmania

  • Wuchereria
