Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following matching pairs is incorrect?

  • Shell fish - Pisces

  • Silver fish - Arthropoda

  • Cuttle fish - Mollusca

  • Star fish - Echinodermata


Shell fish - Pisces

Shell fish is the term used for exoskeleton ­ bearing aquatic invertebrates including various species of molluscs crustaceans and echinoderms. They are used as food.


Select the mismatch from those given below.

  • Noctiluca bioluminescence

  • Gonyaulax catenella saxitoxin

  • Pyrodinum red tide

  • Ceratium-zygotic meiosis

The largest type of nematocysts in Hydra is

  • Holotrichous isorhizas

  • Atrichous isorhizas

  • Desmonemes

  • Stenoteles

Which one of the following matching pairs is incorrect?

  • Mollusca - Pseudocoel

  • Cnidaria - Nematocyst

  • Annelida - Chloragogen cells

  • Echinodermata - Water vascular system 

Which one of the following group of animals is homeothermic?

  • Reptiles

  • Amphibians

  • Birds

  • Fishes


Which of the following represents the class of Tubifex?

  • Echiurida

  • Archiannetida

  • Hirudinea

  • Oligochaeta

Receptacle of antheridiophore and archegoniophore of Marchantia respectively are

  • 8 lobed, 9 rays

  • 6 lobed, 4 rays

  • 9 lobed, 5 rays

  • 2 lobed, 6 rays

Which one of the followings is not a characteristic feature of mammals?

  • Diphyodont tooth

  • Ten pairs of cranial nerves

  • Seven cervical vertebrae

  • Left aortic arch in the circulatory system

Bioluminescence is a characteristic feature of

  • Diatoms

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Slime moulds

  • Euglenoid


Antelope cervicapra is

  • a mammal

  • commonly known as black back

  • an animal under data deficient category of wildlife

  • a threatened Indian wildlife
