Multiple Choice Questions


Mammals have

  • biconvex RBCs to increase the surface area

  • biconcave RBCs to increase the surface area

  • spherical RBCs to increase the surface area

  • no RBCs


biconcave RBCs to increase the surface area

RBCs of all mammals are mostly biconcave and circular (except camel and llama RBCs, which are oval). Mature mammalian RBCs do not have cell organelles including nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, centrioles and ER.


Haemocyanin pigment is found in which of the following animal group?

  • Annelida

  • Insects

  • Lower invertebrates

  • Platyheliminthes

The eggs of the amphibians are

  • Mesolecithal

  • Telolecithal

  • Centrolecithal

  • Homolecithal

Aristotle's lentern is

  • pedicellariae in Pycnopodia

  • arval form in Antedon

  • pressure equalisation plate in Asterias

  • masticatory organ in the digestive tract of sea urchin

Ornithorhynchus is a connecting link between

  • fishes and amphibians

  • Annelida and Arthropoda

  • Annelida and Mollusca

  • reptiles and mammals


A fish introduced into a water body to control mosquito population is

  • Gambusia

  • Labeo

  • Notopterus

  • Fistularia

Identify the incorrect match

  • Mulberry silk - Bombyx mori

  • Tasar silk - Antheraea pernyi

  • Muga silk - Antheraea assama

  • Eri silk - Attacus ricini

All chordates at one or other stage possess

  • two pairs of pentadactyl limbs

  • pharyngeal gill slits

  • movable jaw

  • vertebral column

Mehli's gland in tapeworm is associated with

  • respiration

  • reproduction

  • excretion

  • circulation


Which of the following animals has a tetramorphic colony?

  • Velella

  • Physalia

  • Obelia

  • Porpita
