Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following animals has a tetramorphic colony?

  • Velella

  • Physalia

  • Obelia

  • Porpita



Physalia is tetramorphic in nature, it consists of

(i) a small dactylozooid with a long slender tantacle.

(ii) a gastrozooid with mouth but no tentacle.

(iii) a branched gonozooid, which bears both male and female gonophores.

(iv) a large dactylozooid with an enormous nematocyst bearing fishing tentacle.


All chordates at one or other stage possess

  • two pairs of pentadactyl limbs

  • pharyngeal gill slits

  • movable jaw

  • vertebral column

Mehli's gland in tapeworm is associated with

  • respiration

  • reproduction

  • excretion

  • circulation

The eggs of the amphibians are

  • Mesolecithal

  • Telolecithal

  • Centrolecithal

  • Homolecithal

Haemocyanin pigment is found in which of the following animal group?

  • Annelida

  • Insects

  • Lower invertebrates

  • Platyheliminthes


Ornithorhynchus is a connecting link between

  • fishes and amphibians

  • Annelida and Arthropoda

  • Annelida and Mollusca

  • reptiles and mammals

A fish introduced into a water body to control mosquito population is

  • Gambusia

  • Labeo

  • Notopterus

  • Fistularia

Mammals have

  • biconvex RBCs to increase the surface area

  • biconcave RBCs to increase the surface area

  • spherical RBCs to increase the surface area

  • no RBCs

Aristotle's lentern is

  • pedicellariae in Pycnopodia

  • arval form in Antedon

  • pressure equalisation plate in Asterias

  • masticatory organ in the digestive tract of sea urchin


Identify the incorrect match

  • Mulberry silk - Bombyx mori

  • Tasar silk - Antheraea pernyi

  • Muga silk - Antheraea assama

  • Eri silk - Attacus ricini
