Multiple Choice Questions


Apis dorsata refers to

  • rock bee

  • little bee

  • Indian bee

  • European bee


rock bee

Apis dorsata is the scientific name of rock bee. It is found in the region of South and Southeast Asia. It is around 17- 20 mm long. Nests are mainly built in exposed places such as on tree limbs, buildings etc.


The group of anamniota includes:

  • reptiles and birds

  • birds and mammals

  • fishes and amphibians

  • reptiles, and mammals

Flying fish is

  • Torpedo

  • Scoliodon

  • Anguilla

  • Exocoetus

Which of the following is not a character of Chordata?

  • Dorsal tubular nerve cord

  • Pharyngeal gill slits

  • Presence of notochord

  • Presence of spinal cord

The characteristic larva of phylum Coelenterata is

  • planula

  • cysticercus

  • rhabditiform

  • wriggler


Ecdysone is secreted from:

  • insecta

  • trematoda

  • nematoda

  • polycheta

In sea anemone, the symmetry is

  • radial

  • bilateral

  • spherical

  • absent

Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges ?

  • Thesocytes

  • Pinacocytes

  • Cnidocytes

  • Archaeocytes

Malpighian tubµles are

  • excretory organs of insects

  • excretory organs of frog

  • respiratory organs of insects

  • endocrine glands of insects


Salamandra atra is

  • ovoviviparous

  • oviparous

  • sexuaily sterile

  • parthenogenetic
