Multiple Choice Questions


Flying fish is

  • Torpedo

  • Scoliodon

  • Anguilla

  • Exocoetus



Flying fish (Exocoetus) is a carnivorous fish. It is known as flying fish because it can leap into air by powerful tail and remain in air due to gliding slowly by means of large pectoral fins.


In sea anemone, the symmetry is

  • radial

  • bilateral

  • spherical

  • absent

Apis dorsata refers to

  • rock bee

  • little bee

  • Indian bee

  • European bee

Malpighian tubµles are

  • excretory organs of insects

  • excretory organs of frog

  • respiratory organs of insects

  • endocrine glands of insects

Which of the following is not a character of Chordata?

  • Dorsal tubular nerve cord

  • Pharyngeal gill slits

  • Presence of notochord

  • Presence of spinal cord


Ecdysone is secreted from:

  • insecta

  • trematoda

  • nematoda

  • polycheta

Salamandra atra is

  • ovoviviparous

  • oviparous

  • sexuaily sterile

  • parthenogenetic

The characteristic larva of phylum Coelenterata is

  • planula

  • cysticercus

  • rhabditiform

  • wriggler

The group of anamniota includes:

  • reptiles and birds

  • birds and mammals

  • fishes and amphibians

  • reptiles, and mammals


Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges ?

  • Thesocytes

  • Pinacocytes

  • Cnidocytes

  • Archaeocytes
