Multiple Choice Questions


The excretory material of bony fish is:

  • urea

  • protein

  • ammonia

  • amino acid



The excretory and osmoregulatory organs of the fishes are the gills and kidney. Excretion in bony fishes is ureotelic (i.e., they excrete urea) but some freshwater bony fishes are ammonotelic (i.e., excrete ammonia).


Pearl oyster is a mollusc which belongs to class :

  • Cephalopoda

  • Pelecypoda

  • Scaphopoda

  • Gastropoda

Class Crustacea differ from Insecta in having:

  • two pairs of antennae

  • jointed foot

  • chitinous cuticle

  • none of these

Which of the following is not found in Hydra ?

  • Epithelio-muscular cells

  • Cnidocyte

  • Choanocyte

  • Nerve cells

All worms are :

  • triploblastic

  • segmented

  • endo-parasites

  • free - living


Which insect is useful for us ?

  • Periplaneta

  • Musca

  • Bombyx

  • Mosquitoes

Body cavity of adult Ascaris is :

  • haemocoel

  • amphicoel

  • pseudocoel

  • schizocoel

Food storage in Leucosolenia occur by :

  • ostia

  • osculum

  • thesocyte

  • spongocoel

Which of the following symmetry is found in adult sea-anemone ?

  • Radial

  • Biradial

  • Bilateral

  • Spherical


Which of the following character is presence essentialy in chordates ?

  • Ventral spinal chord

  • Dorsal heart

  • Pharyngeal gill slits

  • Blood flow in forward direction in ventral blood vessels
