Multiple Choice Questions


What is common about Trypanosoma, Noctiluca, Monocystis and Giardia?

  • These are all unicellular protists

  • They have flagella

  • They produce spores

  • They produce spores


These are all unicellular protists

Trypanosoma, Noctiluca, Monocystis and Giardia are all unicellular protists.
Trypanosoma gambiense is the single celled, parasitic zooflagellate causing trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness.
Giardia or the 'Grand old man of the intestine' is a diplomonadid parasitic flagellate occurring in the intestine of man and other animals and causes giardiasis or diarrhoea (i.e., very loose and frequent stool containing large quantity of fat).
Noctiluca is a marine, colourless dinoflagellate. It is a voracious predator and has a long, motile tentacle, near the base of which, its single short flagellum emerges.
Monocystis is a microscopic, unicellular endoparasitic protoan found in the coelom and seminal vesicles of earthworm. As it is an endoparasite, it does not possess any special structure for locomotion.



Which of the following environmental conditions are essential for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of bread?
A. Temperature of about 25°C
B. Temperature of about 5°C
C. Relative humidity of about 5%
D. Relative humidity of about 95%
E. A shady place
F. A brightly illuminated place

Choose the answer from the following options

  • A, C and E only

  • A, D and E only

  • B, D and E only

  • B, D and E only


Thermococcus, Methanococcus and Methanobacterium are groups of

  • Bacteria containing a cytoskeleton and all membrane-bound organelles

  • Archaebacteria with peptidoglycan in their cell wall

  • Archaebacteria that consists of protein homologous to eukaryotic core histones

  • Most advanced type of bacteria

Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in

  • using flagella for locomotion

  • having a contractile vacuole for removing excess water

  • having two types of nuclei

  • using pseudopodia for capturing prey

Which of the following organisms are known as chief producers in the oceans?

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Diatoms

  • Euglenoids

  • Cyanobacteria


 Match the following with correct combination.

Column I Column II
A. Cuscuta 1. Saprophyte
B. Eichhornia 2. Pneumatophare
C. Monotropa 3. Insectivorous plant
D. Rhizophora 4. Parasite
E. Utricularia 5. Root pocket

  • A
    B C D E
    3 1 5 4 2
  • A B C D E
    2 3 1 5 4
  • A B C D E
    4 3 1 5 2
  • A B C D E
    4 5 1 2 3

Viroids differ from viruses in having :

  • DNA molecules with protein coat

  • DNA molecules without protein coat

  • RNA molecules with protein coat

  • RNA molecules with protein coat


Which of the following are found in extreme saline

  • Archaebacteria

  • Eubacteria

  • Cyanobacteria

  • Cyanobacteria


Which one of the following statements about mycoplasma is wrong?

  • They are also called PPLO

  • They are pleomorphic

  • They are sensitive to pencillin

  • They are sensitive to pencillin



Diatomaceous earth is obtained from

  • Bacillarophyceae

  • Xanthophyceae

  • Rhodophyceae

  • Chrysophyceae
