Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following is also called halophiles

  • Eubacteria

  • Actinomycetes

  • Archaebacteria

  • Cyanobacteria



Halopiles are salt lovers archaebacteria, also anaerobic which occur in extreme saline or salty conditions (upto 35% of salt or NaCl in culture medium).


Intracellular compartments are not found in the cells of

  • lower plants

  • prokaryotes

  • higher plants

  • eukaryotes

The cell organelles are found in

  • bacterial cells

  • cyanobacterial cells

  • prokaryotic cells

  • eukaryotic cells

Name one disease of mulberry silkworm caused by Protozoa

  • pebrine

  • graseri

  • flacheri

  • muscardine

The virus, that infects bacteria, are made up of:

  • Protein only

  • RNA and protein

  • DNA and lipid

  • DNA and protein


How many sub-phyla are available in Tracheata, according to Tippo's classification of kingdom Plantae ?

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 10

Viroids have

  • single stranded RNA not enclosed by protein coat

  • single stranded DNA not enclosed by protein coat

  • double stranded DNA enclosed by protein coat

  • double stranded RNA enclosed by protein coat

Which of the following statement about viruses is correct ?

  • Viruses are obligate parasites

  • Viruses contain both RNA and DNA

  • Nucleic acid of viruses is known as capsid

  • Viruses possess their own metabolic system

In which book, Bentham and Hooker proposed their classification?

  • Genera Plantarum

  • Species Plantarum

  • Historia Plantarum

  • Historia Naturae


The usage of binomial names, for plant species, was accepted by all after the publication of the works by :

  • Hooker

  • Linnaeus

  • Bentham

  • Darwin
