Multiple Choice Questions


A natural form of genetic engineering is exhibited by

  • Haemophilus influenzae

  • E.coli

  • Dolly

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens


Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Agrobacterium tumefaciens is known as natural genetic engineer. It is known to infect broad leaved crops such as, tomato, soyabean and tobacco. It causes tumours called crown galls. The tumour formation is induced by its plasmid-Ti. The plasmid integrates a segment of its DNA called T-DNA into chromosomal DNA of its host plant cells. It then causes tumours. i.e., gene transfer occurs without human effort.


In genetic engineering, which of the following is used?

  • Plasmid

  • Plastid

  • Mitochondria

  • ER

Which one of the following statements is wrong in relation to transgenic Bt cotton plant?

  • Crop yield loss due to the attack by Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium is reduced

  • Crop yield loss due to the attack by lepidopteran insect pests is reduced

  • The use of chemical insecticides in the cotton field is minimised

  • Better quality cotton is produced

Genetically improved crop varieties can be developed in laboratory by

  • somatic hybridisation

  • transgenic technology

  • cell suspension culture

  • somaclonal variation

During 'gene cloning', which is called 'gene taxi' ?

  • Plasmid

  • Protozoa

  • Vaccine

  • Bacterium


The replacement of a normal gene by its specifically mutated copy is

  • Gene cloning

  • Gynogenesis

  • Gene knockout

  • lnterparietal hybridisation

Which one of the following bacteria has found extensive use in genetic engineering work in plants?

  • Bacillus coagulens

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  • Bacillus subtilis

  • E. coli

Flavr savr variety of tomato is a

  • mutated form

  • somaclonal variety

  • transgenic crop

  • high yielding variety

Gene therapy has been successful in curing Codes genetic diseases in laboratory animals through

  • exposure to X-ray to rectify the defective gene

  • replacing the defective gene with a functional gene

  • oral delivery of genes

  • use of therapeutic medicines to rectify the defective gene


In which of the following, determination of order of bases in a DNA molecule takes place

  • Gene probing

  • Gene splicing

  • Gene mapping

  • Gene sequencing
