Multiple Choice Questions


The molecular structure of insulin was first described by :

  • Korenberg

  • Swaminathan

  • Richardson

  • Sanger



Insulin is a protein of 51 amino acids. It is a peptide hormone, made up of two polypeptide chains joined together by disulphide bridges. It is produced by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets. Sanger was the first person to complete the amino acid sequence of insulin.


Humulin is a :

  • form of chitin

  • human insulin

  • digestive enzyme

  • antibiotics

The principal cereal crop of India/Asia is :

  • Sorghum

  • barley

  • wheat

  • rice

Which statement is incorrect ?

  • Plant viruses contain RNA

  • Animal viruses contain DNA

  • T4 contains double strand DNA

  • TMV contains double stranded RNA

Genetically engineered human insulin is called

  • humulin

  • haematin

  • hybridoma

  • hybrid


Vaccines prepared by genetic engineering are safe to man because they are

  • least active form of virus

  • active form of virus

  • coat protein formed as antibody

  • All of the above

A student wants to study metaphasic behaviour of chromosomes in a living cell. The technique most suitable is :

  • phase contrast microscope

  • x-ray microscope

  • cell fractionation

  • scanning electron microscope

Insect resistance transgenic cotton has been produced by inserting a piece of DNA from:

  • an insect

  • a bacterium

  • a wild relative of cotton

  • a virus

The term genetic engineering is used for :

  • blotting technique

  • RNA reaction technique

  • protein synthesis technique

  • recombinant technique


Major coffee producing state of India is :

  • Tamil Nadu

  • Kerala

  • Karnataka

  • Andhra Pradesh
