Multiple Choice Questions


The blood group with antibody-a and antibody-b is

  • B

  • A

  • O

  • AB



Persons having blood group - O has no antigens but have both antibodies a and b in their plasma.


Rate of heart beat is determined by

  • Purkinje Fibres

  • Papillary muscles

  • SA-node

  • AV-node

Heparin is synthesized in

  • liver

  • kidney

  • saliva

  • pancreas

Rh factor is present in

  • all vertebrates

  • all mammals

  • all reptiles

  • man and rhesus monkey only

The vitamin which is essential for blood clotting is

  • Vitamin- A

  • Vitamin- B

  • Vitamin- C

  • Vitamin- K


In blood, CO2 is transported majorly as

  • sodium carbonate

  • carboxyhaemoglobin

  • bicarbonate

  • CO2 as such

The leucocytes contain which of the following in large quantity?

  • Basophils

  • Neutrophils

  • Eosinophils

  • Monocytes

A man of 'A' blood group marries a woman of 'AB' blood group. Which type of progeny would indicate that man is heterozygous?

  • O

  • B

  • A

  • AB

Hamburger shift is also known as

  • bicarbonate shift

  • chloride shift

  • potassium shift

  • All of the above

'Bundle of His' are
  • nervous tissue supplied to ventricles

  • nervous tissue supplied to heart

  • muscular tissue supplied to ventricle

  • muscular tissue supplied to heart
