Multiple Choice Questions


Heparin is produced by

  • kidney cells

  • blood cells

  • bone marrow

  • Chief cell


blood cells

Heparin is a glycosaminoglycan (mucopoly saccharide) with anticoagulant properties, occurring in vertebrate tissues, especially the lungs and blood vessels. Heparin salts are administered therapeutically to prevent or dissolve blood clots.


The duration of cardiac cycle is

  • 0.8 s

  • 0.8 µs

  • 0.08 s

  • 0.008 s

Which one has the thickest wall?

  • Right auricle

  • Right ventricle

  • Left auricle

  • Left ventricle

Most abundant mineral of animal body is

  • iron (Fe)

  • sodium (Na)

  • potassium (K)

  • calcium (Ca)

The blood does not clot inside the body because of

  • oxygenation of blood

  • movement of blood

  • heparin in blood

  • absence of fibrinogen in blood


The cardiac cycle in normal subject is about

  • 0.5 s

  • 0.8 s

  • 1.0 s

  • 1.2 s

Rh factor can produce disease

  • AIDS

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Erythroblastosis foetalis

  • Sickle-cell anaemia

Red cell count is carried out by

  • haemocytometer

  • haemoglobinometer

  • sphygmomanometer

  • electrocardiogram

Which of the following statements is related to Starling's law of heart?

  • Greater the stroke volume greater is the heart rate

  • Greater the initial length of the cardiac muscle fibre, more is the force of contraction of hear

  • Greater the minute volume, greater is the heart rate

  • Lesser the length of cardiac muscle fibre greater is the force of contraction of heart


The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in human is

  • 120 mm Hg

  • 80 mm Hg

  • 40 mm Hg

  • 200 mm Hg
