Multiple Choice Questions


'Bundle of His' is a network of

  • nerve fibres distributed in ventricles

  • nerve fibres found throughout the heart

  • muscle fibres distributed throughout the heart walls

  • muscle fibre, found only in the ventricle wall


muscle fibre, found only in the ventricle wall

Bundle of His is a network of specialised conducting muscle fibres or Purkinje fibres. It transmits the electrical impulses from the AV node to the point of the apex of fascicular branches via the bundle branches.


Christmas disease in another name for

  • Down's syndrome

  • sleeping sickness

  • haemophilia-B

  • hepatitis-B

A person was found to possess reduced haemoglobin content in the blood, caused due to disturbance in formation of RBCs. He is suffering from

  • Vitamin-B1 defeciency

  • Vitamin-A defeciency

  • Vitamin-B12 defeciency

  • Vitamin-E defeciency

First heart sound is produced during closure of

  • auriculo-ventricular valves

  • eustachian valve

  • sinus valve

  • seminular valves

Heart sound dub is caused due to closing of

  • valve

  • tricuspid valve

  • semilunar valve

  • None of the above


Which of the following genotypes does not produce a sugar polymer on the surface of the RBCs?

  • IAIA

  • IAi

  • ii

  • IAIB

Systemic heart refers to

  • entire heart in lower vertebrates

  • the two ventricles together in humans

  • the heart that contracts under stimulation from nervous system

  • left auricle and left ventricle in higher vertebrates

Red muscle cells are rich in

  • only myosin

  • haemoglobin and glucose

  • lactic acid and acetic acid

  • myoglobin and cytochrome

Iron is stored in bone marrow as

  • haemosedrin

  • ferritin

  • haematin

  • None of these


ABO blood grouping is controlled by gene I which has three alleles and show co-dominance. There are six genotypes. How many phenotypes in all are possible?

  • Three

  • Six

  • Five

  • Four
