Multiple Choice Questions


After a deep inspiration and maximum expiration, the capacity of lungs is known as

  • vital capacity

  • tidal volume

  • IRV

  • ERV


vital capacity

Vital capacity is the amount of air which one can inhale and exhale with maximum effort. It is the sum of tidal voulme, inspiratory reserve volume and expiratory reserve volume.


     = 500 + 3100 + 1200

     = 4800 mL


The faster breathing in high fever is due to the

  • Additional requirement of O2 for the invader germs

  • High temperature of the body

  • Mental worry of a patient

  • Loss of appetite

Which of the following animals possess non-elastic lungs with elastic air sacs connected to them?

  • Reptiles

  • Birds

  • Amphibians

  • Mammals

Carotid labyrinth contains

  • Olfactory receptors

  • Baroreceptors

  • Chemoreceptors

  • Phonoreceptors

Haldane effect refers to

  • More acidity in the blood

  • Less acidity in the blood

  • More basicity in the blood

  • Less basicity in the blood


The exchange of gases in the alveoli of the lungs takes place by

  • Osmosis

  • Simple diffusion

  • Passive transport

  • Active transport

Dead space air in man is

  • 500 ml

  • 150 ml

  • 250 ml

  • 1.5 L

Which of the following is a respiratory disease?

  • Polio

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Cancer

From which of the following plant is a medicine for respiratory disorders obtained?

  • Ephedra

  • Eucalyptus

  • Cannabis

  • Saccharum


During inspiration, the diaphragm

  • expands

  • shows no change

  • contracts and flattens

  • relaxes to become dome- shaped
