Multiple Choice Questions


In cell cycle, during, which phase chromosomes are arranged in equatorial plate ?

  • Metaphase

  • Anaphase

  • Telophase

  • Prophase



Metaphase in both meiosis and mitosis is characterized by the orientation of chromosomes themselves on the spindle fibres at the equatorial plate.

In prophase, chromatin of the nucleus become condensed forming chromosomes. Chromosome replication occurs in prophase.

Anaphase is characterized by the separation of chromatids.

Telophase in a sense is a reversible process of prophase.


During meiosis crossing over occurs between which part of homologous chromosome ?

  • Sister chromatids

  • Non-sister chromatids

  • Genes

  • Alleles

Spindle fibres of mitotic cell are made up of

  • tubulin

  • actin

  • myosin

  • collagen

During mitosis nuclear membrane disappears at

  • early prophase

  • late prophase

  • metaphase

  • anaphase

Which of the followings does not occur in the interphase of eukaryotic cell division?

  • Increase of ATP synthesis

  • Increase of DNA synthesis

  • Increase of RNA synthesis

  • Reduction in cell size


Match the item in column I with those in column II and the choose the correct answer.

Column I Column II
A. Mitosis 1. Occurs in diploid cells only
B. Meiosis 2. Occurs in both haploid and diploid cells
  3. Daughter and parent cells have same chromosome numbers
  4. Synapsis of homologous chromosomes.

  • A- 1; B- 2

  • A- 2; B- 3

  • A- 3; B- 4

  • A- 4; B- 1

The stage of cell cycle when cell has undergone differentiation is :

  • G0

  • G1

  • G3

  • G4

In synapsis two homologous chromosomes are connected at

  • centromeres

  • chromomeres

  • telomeres

  • none of these

Stages in proper sequence of prophase- I are

  • zygotene, leptotene, pachytene, diakinesis

  • leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and diakinesis

  • eptotene, pachytene, zygotene, diakinesis and diplotene

  • diplotene, diakinesis, pachytene, zygotene and leptotene


During meiosis crossing over occurs at

  • pachytene

  • zygotene

  • leptotene

  • diakinesis
