Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following phases correspond to the interval between mitosis and initiation of DNA replication?

  • S phase

  • G1 phase

  • G2 phase

  • M phase

  • M phase


G1 phase

The G1 phase or Gap-1 phase is the first four phases of cell cycle that takes places in eukaryotic cell division. In this part of interphase, the cell synthesizes mRNA and proteins in preparation of subsequent steps leading to mitosis. G1 phase ends when the cell moves into the S phase of interphase.


Cells in G0 phase :

  • enter the cell cycle

  • suspend the cell cycle

  • terminate the cell cycle

  • exit the cell cycle

Which of these is not a key feature of meiosis?

  • Meiosis involves two sequential cycles of nuclear and cell division 

  • Meiosis involves pairing of homologous chromosomes

  • Two cycles of DNA replication occur during meiosis

  • Three is recombination between the paired homologous chromosomes

  • Three is recombination between the paired homologous chromosomes

The correct sequence of phases of cell cycle is

  • G1 → G2 → S → M

  • S → G1 → G2 → M

  • G1 → S → G2 → M

  • M → G1 → G2 → S
