
Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following is a minerelocorticoid?

  • Testosterone

  • Progesterone

  • Adrenalin

  • Aldosterone

Which one of the following is not a second messenger in hormone action?

  • Calcium

  • Sodium

  • cAMP

  • cGMP

Which the following is a gastrointestine hormone?

  • Prolactin

  • Enterogastrone

  • GH

  • FSH

The cause of cretinism is

  • hypothyroidism

  • hypoparathyroidism

  • hyperthyroidism

  • hyperparathyroidism


Which one of the following statement is incorrect?

  • Glucagon is secreted by pancreas

  • Androgen is produced by ovary

  • Thyroxine is secreted by thyroid

  • Oxytocin is secreted by pituitary

Goitre can occur as a consequence of all the following except

  • iodine deficiency

  • pituitary adenoma

  • Grave's disease

  • excessive intake of exogenous thyroxin

The hormone responsible for 'Fight and Flight' response is

  • adrenalin

  • thyroxin

  • ADH

  • oxytocin

ACTH is secreted from

  • adrenal cortex

  • pituitary

  • adrenal medulla

  • thyroid


Tetany is caused by

  • hyperparathyroidism

  • hypoparathyroidism

  • hyperthyroidism

  • hypothyroidism

The genetic deficiency of ADH-receptor leads to

  • diabetes mellitus

  • glycosuria

  • diabetes insipidus

  • nephrogenic diabetes
