Multiple Choice Questions


Total number of bones in the hindlimb of a man is

  • 14

  • 21

  • 24

  • 30



1 femur + 1 fibula + 1 tibia + 1 patella+ 7 tarsals > + 5 metatarsals + 14 phalanges make one hindlimb of man.


Which of the following provides most evident proof of evolution?

  • Fossils

  • Morphology

  • Embryo

  • Vestigial organs

The diversity in the type of beaks of finches adapted to different feeding habits on the Galapagos islands, as observed by Darwin, provides evidence for

  • Origin of species by natural selection

  • Intraspecific Variations

  • Intraspecific competition

  • Interspecific competition

During which geological period of evolution did the greatest diversification of life occurred on the earth?

  • Permian

  • Jurassic

  • Cambrian

  • Ordovician

About how long ago was the earth formed

  • 3 billion years ago

  • 10 billion years ago

  • 4.6 billion years ago

  • 20 billion years ago


The presence of diversity at the junction of territories to two different habitats is known as

  • bottleneck effect

  • edge effect

  • junction effect

  • Pasteur effect

Pneumatic bones are expected to be found in

  • house lizard

  • flying fish

  • pigeon

  • tadpole of frog

Human ancestors who left cave paintings were

  • Neanderthal man

  • Cro- magnon man

  • Java ape man

  • Peking man

Which of the following is not a vestigial structure in Homo sapiens ?

  • Third molar

  • Epiglottis

  • Plica semilunaris

  • Pyrimidalis muscle


Age of fishes is also known as

  • Permian Era

  • Silurian Era

  • Devonian Era

  • Ordovician Era
