Multiple Choice Questions


Age of fishes is also known as

  • Permian Era

  • Silurian Era

  • Devonian Era

  • Ordovician Era


Devonian Era

The Devonian Perioid is known as 'the age of fishes'. It is famous for the thousands of species of fish that developed in Devonian sea. The Devonian Period of Palacozonic Era lasted from 417 million years ago to 354 million years ago.


The diversity in the type of beaks of finches adapted to different feeding habits on the Galapagos islands, as observed by Darwin, provides evidence for

  • Origin of species by natural selection

  • Intraspecific Variations

  • Intraspecific competition

  • Interspecific competition

During which geological period of evolution did the greatest diversification of life occurred on the earth?

  • Permian

  • Jurassic

  • Cambrian

  • Ordovician

Which of the following is not a vestigial structure in Homo sapiens ?

  • Third molar

  • Epiglottis

  • Plica semilunaris

  • Pyrimidalis muscle

About how long ago was the earth formed

  • 3 billion years ago

  • 10 billion years ago

  • 4.6 billion years ago

  • 20 billion years ago


The presence of diversity at the junction of territories to two different habitats is known as

  • bottleneck effect

  • edge effect

  • junction effect

  • Pasteur effect

Human ancestors who left cave paintings were

  • Neanderthal man

  • Cro- magnon man

  • Java ape man

  • Peking man

Which of the following provides most evident proof of evolution?

  • Fossils

  • Morphology

  • Embryo

  • Vestigial organs

Total number of bones in the hindlimb of a man is

  • 14

  • 21

  • 24

  • 30


Pneumatic bones are expected to be found in

  • house lizard

  • flying fish

  • pigeon

  • tadpole of frog
