Multiple Choice Questions


Evolution of different species in a given geographical area, starting from a point and spreading to other geographical areas is known as

  • Geographic isolation

  • Migration

  • Parallel evolution

  • Natural selection

  • Natural selection


Adaptive radiation

Adaptive radiation shows evolution of an animal or plant group into a wide variety of types adapted to specialized mode of life.


Match the hominids with their correct brain size :

A. Homo habilis i. 900 cc
B. Homo neanderthalensis ii. 1350 cc
C. Homo erectus iii. 650 - 800 cc
D. Homo sapiens iv. 1400 cc

Select the correct option

  • A - iii; B - ii; C - i; D - iv

  • A - iii; B - iv; C - i; D - ii

  • A - iv; B - iii; C - i; D - ii

  • A - iii; B - i; C - iv; D - ii

In a population, a gene has two alleles 'A' and 'a'. The frequency of allele 'A' is 0.4. What will be the frequency of allele 'a'?

  • 0.4

  • 0.6

  • 0.48

  • 0.16

  • 0.16
