Multiple Choice Questions


Cells present in the inner lining of kidneys are :

  • podocytes

  • choanocytes

  • pinocytes

  • nephrocyte



Podocytes are the cells of Bowman's capsule in kidney. They are less flattened cells, which line the concavity of the Bowman's capsule. They possesses foot-like projections the pedicels.

Choanocytes or collar cells are cells that line the interior of asconoid, syconoid and leuconoid body type sponges that contain a central flagellum, or undulipodia, surrounded by a collar of microvilli which are connected by a thin membrane.

Nephrocytes are the specialized cells, present in arthropods. Their main function is the accumulation or formation of waste or excretory products.

Pinocytes are the flat cells found on the outermost layer of a sponge.


Diabetes insipidus is caused due to the lack of

  • ADH

  • ACTH

  • insulin

  • glucagon

Short Answer Type

Mention the location and function of juxtaglomerular apparatus.

Multiple Choice Questions

Name the condition when the concentration of ketone body increases in urine.

  • Acromegaly

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Diabetes insipidus

  • Cushing's disease

Liquid, which collects in Bowman's capsule is

  • water and sulphates

  • water and glycogen

  • plasma minus blood protein

  • concentrated urine


Ducts of Bellini are present in :

  • liver

  • kidney

  • intestine

  • medulla oblongata

Volume of urine is regulated by

  • aldosterone

  • aldosterone and testosterone

  • ADH

  • aldosterone and ADH

Short Answer Type

Write two functions of juxtaglomerular apparatus.

Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following is impermeable to water?

  • Vertical limb of loop of Henle

  • Descending limb of loop of Henle

  • Ascending limb of loop of Henle

  • Both 'a' and 'b'


What is glycosuria?

  • Low amount of sugar in urine

  • Low amount of fat in urine

  • Average amount of carbohydrate in urine

  • High amount of sugar in urine
