
Multiple Choice Questions

Select the correct combination of statements regarding Myasthenia gravis.

I. It is an autoimmune disorder.

II. It causes insufficient acetylcholine binding that affects muscular contraction.

III. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine

IV. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine receptors.

V. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine esterase.

VI. It causes drooping of eyelids.

  • I, III, IV, VI

  • I, II, IV, VI

  • I, II, IV, VI

  • II, III, IV, V

Immunity that develops in the foetus after receiving antibodies from mother's blood through placenta is

  • naturally acquired active immunity

  • artificially acquired active immunity

  • naturally acquired passive immunity

  • artificially acquired passive immunity

Antibodies produced by a group of identical B-cells against a single epitope of an antigen is called

  • polyclonal antibodies

  • monoclonal antibodies

  • anti- hapten antibodies

  • somaclonal antibodies

All of the following symptoms are found in jaundice except

  • disorders of hepato-biliary system

  • abnormal secretion of pancreatic and gastric juices

  • bile duct obstruction

  • anaemia


X-ray is needed for

  • Ultrasonography

  • CT scanning

  • MRI

  • NMR

Third stage larva of Wuchereria bancrofti carried by Gulex mosquito is called

  • cysticercus

  • merozoite

  • microfilariae

  • trophozoite

Sand flies play significant role in spreading kala-azar because they

  • suck blood only from the patients suffering from kala-azar

  • convert amastigote into promastigote

  • engulf amastigote at the time of blood sucking from the infected persons

  • inject promastigote into the body of non-infected persons at the time of blood sucking

Which one of the following is a causative agent of plague?

  • Shigella flexner

  • Bordetella pertussi

  • Staphylococcus aureus

  • Yersinia pestis


The time interval of appearance of fever in the malarial patients depends on the types of malaria. The research evidences suggest that such time intervals are-(1) 36-48 hours, (2) 48 hours and (3) 72 hours. If any such patient experiences fever at an interval of 48 hours, then the said patient suffers from

  • only benign tertian malaria

  • quarantan malaria or mild tertian malaria

  • malignant tertian malaria or benign tertian malaria

  • mild tertian malaria or benign tertian malaria

Which one of the following combinations acts as a usual antigen binding site of an antibody?

  • Variable regions of a light and another heavy chain

  • Variable regions of two light chains

  • Variable regions of two heavy chains

  • Variable region of a heavy chain and constant region of a light chain
