Multiple Choice Questions


Active immunity development is related to

  • natural killer cells

  • memory cells

  • helper T cells

  • suppressor T cells


memory cells

Active immunity involves the active functioning of the person's own immune system which leads to synthesis of antibodies and or the production of immunologically active cells.


Which one of the following leucocytes transforms into macrophages

  • Eosinophil

  • Basophil

  • Monocyte

  • Lymphocyte

How many variable segments are present in the basic structure of antibody molecule?

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

  • Four

MRI is not allowed in the following conditions except one. Identify the exception

  • Presence of pacemaker in the body

  • Pregnant women

  • Person suffering from stroke

  • Presence of metallic plate in the body for treatment of broken bones

Filariasis is caused by

  • dead adult filariae

  • microfilariae

  • biting of filarial worm

  • presence of bacteria in filarial wall


T-lymphocyte is produced in

  • bone marrow

  • spleen

  • pancreas

  • thymus

Passive immunity can be obtained through

  • antigens

  • vaccines

  • antibiotics

  • antibodies

The genetic material of rabies virus is

  • double stranded RNA

  • single stranded RNA

  • double stranded DNA

  • ssDNA

Mention the "Incubation Period" of Plasmodium vivax

  • 10-14 days

  • 20-25 days

  • 30 days

  • 45 days


Which one of the following diseases is spread by housefly?

  • Dengue fever

  • Encephalitis

  • Filariasis

  • Typhoid
