Multiple Choice Questions


Which stage of malarial parasite is infective to man?

  • Gametocyte

  • Merozoite

  • Cryptomerozoite

  • Sporozoite



Plasmodium is digenetic, endoparasite. The stage of Plasmodium infective to man is sporozoite, which directly goes to parenchyma cells of liver. Pre erythrocytic and exoerythrocytic cycles occur in liver cells and involve schizogony.


The anterior V-spot in microfilaria of Wuchereria represents

  • nerve ring

  • cervical papilla

  • excretory system

  • reproductive system

Which is the correct sequence of arrangement of types of WBC in decreasing order in terms of number per mm3 of human blood

  • Eosinophils > Basophils > Neutrophils

  • Basophils > Eosinophils > Neutrophils

  • Neutrophils > Eosinophils > Basophils

  • Eosinophils > Neutrophils > Basophils

A female Anopheles mosquito can be recognised by

  • proboscis and palpi are long and more or less of equal length

  • proboscis long and palpi short

  • proboscis short and palpi long

  • Both proboscis and palpi are short

Which of the following is related to humoral immunity?

  • T- lymphocyte

  • B- lymphocyte

  • I- lymphocyte

  • P- lymphocyte


Tuberculosis is caused by

  • Mycobacterium sp.

  • Aspergillus sp.

  • Clostridium sp.

  • Vibrio sp.

In AIDS, HIV kills

  • Antibody molecule

  • T-helper cell

  • Bone-marrow cells

  • T-cytotoxic cell

Which one of the following life cycle stages of malarial parasite is responsible for relapse of malarial symptoms?

  • Merozoite

  • Sporozoite

  • Hypnozoite

  • Gametocyte

Which one of the following life cycle stages of Wuchereria bancrofti is infective to man?

  • Microfilaria

  • 1st stage larva

  • 2nd stage larva

  • 3rd stage larva


Which one of the following immunoglobulins is found as pentamer?

  • IgG

  • IgM

  • IgA

  • IgE
