Multiple Choice Questions


Humoral immunity is mediated by

  • cytotoxic T-cell

  • plasma cell

  • eosinophil

  • neutrophil


plasma cell

Humoral refers to the non-cellular components of blood, such as plasma (these synthesize antibodies) and lymphatic fluid. The humoral immune response denotes immunologic responses that are mediated by antibodies.


The expanded name of MRI is

  • Medical Reserach Instrument

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Magnetic Research Institute

  • Medical Resonance Imaging

The cell-mediated immunity inside the human body is carried out by

  • T-lymphocytes

  • B-lymphocytes

  • thrombocytes

  • erythrocytes

Which one of the following is a correct match?

  • Filariasis - Taenia solium 

  • Encephalitis - Culex vishnui

  • Malaria - Phlebotomus sp.

  • Kala-azar - Anopheles stephensi

The carcinoma, a type of cancer, originates from

  • blood

  • connective tissue

  • epithelial tissue

  • lymph gland


Intermediate host of malarial parasite is

  • pig

  • man

  • mosquito

  • larva of mosquito

Which one of the following genus of insects prefer to breed in clean water and their larvae lie parallel to the surface of water?

  • Anopheles

  • Culex

  • Aedes 

  • Phlebotomus

Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by

  • drinking water containing egg of Ascaris

  • eating imperfectly cooked port

  • tse-tse fly

  • mosquito bite

Which of the following human parasites require mosquito to complete their life-cycle?

  • Ascaris tumbricoides and Wuchereria bancrofti

  • Leishmania donovani and Plasmodium ovale

  • Ascaris lumbricoides and Leishmania donovani

  • Wuchereria bancrofti and Plasmodium ovale


In which diagnostic system, piezoelectric effect and reverse piezoelectric effect are involved?

  • EEG

  • CAT

  • USG

  • MRI
