Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not vestigial in man ?

  • Tail vertebrae

  • Nails

  • Nictitating membrane

  • Vermiform appendix



Vestigial organs are the organs which have lost its function and are imperfectly developed due to evolutionary changes. Eg, Nictitating membrane, tail vertebrae, vermiform appendix.


Ovulation takes place in a month between

  • 11-14 day

  • 14-16 day

  • 15-28 day

  • 21-26 day

The embryo at 16 celled stage is known as

  • morula

  • gastrula

  • blastula

  • blastomere

The leydig cells secrete :

  • oestrogen

  • testosterone

  • progesterone

  • corticosterone

How many sperms are formed by four primary spermatocyte :

  • 1

  • 4

  • 16

  • 32


The origin of kidney and ureter in Rana tigrina is :

  • all mesodermal

  • all endodermal

  • ectodermal and mesodermal

  • mesodermal and endodermal

Which of the following is not a case of epimorphosis ?

  • Formation of sperms from small clumps of cells

  • Regeneration of tail in a lizard

  • Replacement of severed arm in starfish

  • Replacement of limb in salamander

Which of the following steroid sex hormone influenced secondary sex organs?

  • Progesterone

  • Oestrogen

  • LH

  • LTH

An oocyte is released from the ovary under the influence of LH 

  • after completing meiosis and before polar bodies are released

  • after completing meiosis I and before release of polar bodies

  • after completing meiosis

  • after completing meiosis I and after release of polar bodies.


Which of the following statement is wrong?

  • The Sertoli cells provide nutrition to the developing male germ cells

  • Leydig cells synthesize and secrete androgens

  • Secretions of the acrosome helps the sperm to enter into the cytoplasm of the ovum

  • Secondary spermatocytes are diploid

  • Secondary spermatocytes are diploid
