Multiple Choice Questions


During strenuous excercise, glucose is converted into

  • glycogen

  • pyruvic acid

  • starch

  • lactic acid


lactic acid

During strenuous excercise, anaerobic respiration of glucose takes place and Pyruvic acid (a product of glycolysis of glucose) changes into lactic acid. Accumulation of lactic acid is responsible for muscle fatigue. Glycogen is a polysaccharide and stroing material of animal body. It is stored in muscle and liver.

Starch is also a polysaccharide but a storing material of plant body.


Which of the following is important for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission?

  • Ca2+ ions

  • Mg2+ ions

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • Fe2+ ions

In rabbit, end of a long bone is connected in another by

  • tendon

  • ligaments

  • muscle

  • cartilage

One animal that does not perform locomotion is

  • Sycon

  • Nereis

  • Sepia

  • Euglena

An acromian process is characteristically found in the

  • pelvic girdle of mammals

  • skull of frog

  • pectoral girdle of mammals

  • sperm of mammals


Ligament is mainly made up of

  • reticulin

  • elastin

  • myosin

  • collagen

Spindle fibre is made up of

  • tubulin

  • humulin

  • intermediate filament

  • flagelin

Which of the following is a transparent tissue?

  • Tendon

  • Fibrous cartilage

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • All of these

Sigmoid notch is formed by

  • cavity formed by humerus

  • cavity formed by radius-ulna

  • cavity formed by tibia-fibula

  • cavity formed by femur


Action potential is generated by

  • Na+

  • K+

  • Ca+

  • Cl-
