Multiple Choice Questions


The 'U' shaped bone present at the base of the buccal cavity is

  • Maleus

  • Ethmoid

  • Zygomatic

  • Hyoid

  • Hyoid



Hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterier midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. It serves as a point of attachment for some of the muscles of the tongue and floor of the mouth but does not articulate with any other bone. 


The striated appearance of a myofibril is due to the distribution pattern of

  • actin and myosin

  • fascicles

  • troponin

  • meromyosin

  • meromyosin

Choose the wrongly matched pair

  • Portion of myofibril between two 'Z' lines – Sarcomere

  • Isotropic band – Actin

  • Anisotropic band – Myosin

  • Central part of I-band – M-line

  • Central part of I-band – M-line

An autoimmune disorder affecting the neuromuscular junction is

  • Angina

  • CAD

  • Emphysema

  • Gout

  • Gout

Gliding joint is present between the

  • Carpals

  • Humerus and pectoral girdle

  • Carpal and metacarpal of thumb

  • Knee

  • Knee


The central hollow portion of the human vertebra is called

  • Acromion

  • Centrum

  • Neural canal

  • Sternum

  • Sternum

Label the pans marked in the human skull and select the correct option

  • A - Temporal bone; B - Parietal bone; C - Sphenoid bone; D - Frontal bone; E - Zygomatic bone; F - Occipital bone

  • A - Frontal bone; B - Zygomatic bone; C - Occipital bone; D - Sphenoid bone; E - Parietal bone; F - Temporal bone

  • A - Sphenoid bone; B - Occipital bone; C - Zygomatic bone; D - Parietal bone; E - Frontal bone; F - Temporal bone

  • A - Sphenoid bone; B - Zygomatic bone; C - Occipital bone; D - Frontal bone; E - Temporal bone; F - Parietal bone

  • A - Sphenoid bone; B - Zygomatic bone; C - Occipital bone; D - Frontal bone; E - Temporal bone; F - Parietal bone

Most of the cartilages in vertebrate embryo are replaced in adult by

  • Blood

  • Bones

  • Tendons

  • Ligaments

  • Ligaments

The lumbar region of the vertebral column in man is made up of

  • 1 fused vertebra

  • 7 vertebrae

  • 12 vertebrae

  • 5 vertebrae

  • 5 vertebrae


The skeletal muscle fibre is a 'syncytium', which means it is

  • made up of many fibres

  • made up of many proteins

  • long and slender

  • swollen in the middle with tapered ends

  • swollen in the middle with tapered ends
