Multiple Choice Questions


Aminoacylation of tRNA is essential for

  • replication of RNA

  • formation of peptide bond

  • splicing

  • initiation of transcription

  • initiation of transcription


formation of peptide bond

Charging or aminoacylation of tRNA is, the process when tRNA specific for the amino acid forms aminoacyl. The amino acid is linked to 3' – OH and tRNA through its – COOH group. The tRNA complexed with amino acid is sometimes called charged tRNA. This process is essential for protein synthesis i.e. polypeptide formation through formation of peptide bonds between amino acids.


In the double-helical structure of DNA, the pitch of the helix is

  • 3.4 nm

  • 0.34 nm

  • 6.6 nm

  • 34 nm

  • 34 nm

Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct option.

Column I (Scientists) Column II (Concept)
I. Taylor and colleagues A. Lac operon
II.  Hershey and Chase B.  DNA replicates semi-conservatively
III. Griffith C. Transforming principle
IV.  Jacob & Monod

D. DNA is the genetic material

E. Transcription

  • I - B; II - E; III - A; IV - C

  • I - C; II - D; III - B; IV - A

  • I - B; II - D; III - C; IV - A

  • I - A; II - E; III - D; IV - B

  • I - A; II - E; III - D; IV - B

Which property among these listed below is not a criteria for a molecule to act as a genetic material?

  • Generate its replica

  • Chemically and structurally stable

  • Mutate slowly to facilitate evolution

  • Express itself in the form of Mendelian characters

  • Express itself in the form of Mendelian characters

Physical association of genes on a chromosome is called

  • Repulsion

  • Linkage

  • Aneuploidy

  • Duplication

  • Duplication


Choose the correct statement.

  • Haploid content of human DNA is 4.6 × 106 bp.

  • A nitrogenous base is linked to pentose sugar through phosphodiester linkage

  • X-ray diffraction data of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin was the basis of Watson and Crick's DNA model

  • DNA is an acidic substance was first identified by Watson and Crick

  • DNA is an acidic substance was first identified by Watson and Crick

In the ribose of RNA, unlike DNA, every nucleotide residue has an additional

  • COOH group in the 2'position

  • OH group in the 5' position

  • OH group in the 2'position

  • Phosphate group in the 2' position

  • Phosphate group in the 2' position

Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

I. RNA polymerase associates transiently with 'Rho' factor to initiate transcription.

II. In bacteria, transcription and translation takes place in the same compartment.

III. RNA polymerase I is responsible for transcription of tRNA.

IV. When hnRNA undergoes capping process, adenlyte residues are added at 3' end in a template independent manner.

V. hRNA is the precursor of mRNA.

  • II only is correct

  • II, III and V only are correct

  • III and IV only are correct

  • I and IV only are correct

  • I and IV only are correct

Which triplet codon does not have a tRNA associated with

  • UAA

  • UUA

  • UUU

  • AUU

  • AUU


The moiety present at the 5' end of ribose sugar in a polynucleotide is

  • OH

  • CH2

  • Phosphate

  • Adenine

  • Adenine
