Multiple Choice Questions


Edible part in 'sorosis', a composite fruit, is

  • cotyledons

  • endosperm

  • perianth and peduncle

  • fleshy thalamus


perianth and peduncle

Sorosis is the composite fruit that develops from spike and catkin, eg, in pineapple edible part develops from perianth and peduncle.

Fleshy thalamus is an edible part of pear, apple fruit, eg, pome fruits.

Cotyledons are edible part of cashewnut, eg, nut fruits.

Endosperm is an edible part of caryopsis of wheat, rice, etc.


Botanical name of 'chana' is

  • Cicer arietinum

  • Phaseolus aureus

  • Lablab purpureus

  • Dolichos

Lady finger belongs to family

  • Malvaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

  • Liliaceae

  • Brassiaceae

Trimerous flower, superior ovary and axile placentation is characteristics of

  • Liliaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

  • Solanaceae

  • Compositae

Stem cuttings are commonly used for the proprogation of

  • banana

  • rose

  • mango

  • cotton


An obligate root parasite is

  • Rafflesia

  • Loranthus

  • Viscum

  • Striga

Chicory powder which is mixed with coffee powder is obtained from

  • root

  • leaf

  • stem

  • seeds

Which of the following is a true nut?

  • Walnut

  • Cashewnut

  • Groundnut

  • Pistachio

Clinging roots are found in

  • orchids

  • Trapa

  • Podostemon

  • screwpine


Pappus is modified

  • calyx

  • corolla

  • bracts

  • gynoecium
