
Multiple Choice Questions

The junction between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next is called

  • Junction point

  • A synapse

  • A joint

  • Constant bridge

Human ear ossicles are

  • incus and stapes

  • stapes

  • incus, malleus and stapes

  • incus and malleus

Which cranial nerve has the highest number of branches?

  • Facial nerve

  • Trigeminal

  • Vagus nerve

  • None of these

In parasympathetic nervous system, which of the following is released?

  • Epinephrine

  • Norepinephrine

  • Serotonin

  • Acetylcholine


If the threshold for hearing increasing 1000 times, the hearing loss is

  • 40 decibels

  • 50 decibels

  •  60 decibels

  • None of these

Vetebrate brain differentiates from

  • Endoderm

  • Mesoderm

  • Ectoderm

  • Blastoderm

Which of the following is important for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission?

  • Ca2+ ions

  • Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions

  • Mg2+ ions

  • Fe2+ ions

Parkinsonism is related with

  • Brain

  • Spinal Nerve

  • Cranial Nerves

  • All of these


Sympathetic nervous system induces

  • Heartbeat

  • Secretion of digestive juice

  • Secretion of saliva

  • All of the above

'Adaptation' of eyes in dark is due to

  • depletionof vision pigment in rods

  • depletion of vision pigment in cones

  • repletion of vision pigment in rods

  • repletion of vision pigment in cones
