Multiple Choice Questions


A person who shows unpredictable moods, outbursts of emotion, quarrelsome behaviour and conflicts with others is suffering from

  • borderline personality disorder (BPD)

  • mood disorder

  • addictive disorder 

  • schizophrenia.


borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness. Borderline describing, a personality disorder characterized by unstable and intense relationships, exploiting and manipulating other people, rapidly changing moods, recurrent suicidal or self injuring acts & a prevasive inner feelings of emptiness and boredom.

A mood disorder is a condition where the prevailing emotional moods is distorted or inappropriate to the circumstances. Addiction is a state of dependence produced by the habitual taking of drugs, alcohol, etc.

Schizophrenia is a group of severe mental disorders characterized by disturbances of languages and communications, thought disturbances that may involve distortion ofreality, misperceptions, delusions and hallucination, mood changes and withdrawl etc.


A person is wearing spectacles with concave lenses for correcting vision. While not using the glasses, the image of a distant object in his case will be formed

  • on the blind spot

  • behind the retina

  • in front of the retina

  • on the yellow spot

Cerebrospinal fluid is present

  • beneath the pia mater

  • between piamater and arachnoid

  • between arachnoid and duramater

  • between duramater and cranium

The dendrite carries impulses

  • towards the cyton

  • away from cyton

  • across the body

  • from one neuron to another

The total number of nitrogenous bases in human genome is estimated to be about

  • 3.5 million

  • 35 thousand

  • 35 million

  • 3.1 billion.


Given below is a table comparing the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
for four feature (a-d). Which one feature is correctly described

  • Feature Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system
    a) Salivary glands  Stimulate Secretion Inhibit Secretion
  • b) Pupil of the eye Dilate Constricts
  • c) Heart rate  Decreases  Increases
  • d) Intestinal peristalsis Stimulates  Inhibits

Cochlea of mammalian internal ear is concerned with

  • hearing

  • balance of body posture

  • both (a) and (b)

  • perception changes of atmospheric pressure

The part of an eye which acts like a diaphragm of a photographic camera is

  • pupil

  • iris

  • lens

  • cornea

Examine the diagram of the two cell types A and B given below and select the correct option

     A                B

  • Cell A is the rod cell found evenly all over retina

  • Cell A is the cone cell more concentrated in the fovea central is

  • Cell B is concerned with colour vision in bright light

  • Cell A is sensitive to low light intensities


Unidirectional transmission of a nerve impulse through nerve fibre is due to the fact that

  • nerve fibre is insulated by a medullary sheath

  • sodium pump starts operating only at the cyton and then continues into the nerve fibre

  • neurotransmitters are released by dendrites and not by axon endings

  • neurotransmitters are released by the axon endings and not by dendrites.
