Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not a mental disorder?

  • Epilepsy

  • Neurosis

  • Psychosis

  • Plague



Plague is also known as black death (due to dark blue areas of skin caused by haemorrhages). It is caused by a rod-shaped Gram negative bacterium, Yersinia pestis. This bacterium occurs in blood of rat and transmits from one rat to other by the rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis.


Which are the longest cells in the body of man ?

  • Muscle cells of legs

  • Bone cells

  • Nerve cells

  • None of the above

In human eyes, colour perception is done by

  • rod cells only

  • cone cells only

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • choroid laver cells

Cranial nerve showing maximum branching is

  • trigeminal

  • vagus

  • optic

  • facial

During the conduction of nerve impulse, the action potential is the result of movement of

  • Na+ from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid

  • Na+ from extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid

  • Na+ towards both directions

  • None of the above


Which of the following nerve is purely motor nerve?

  • vagus

  • facial

  • abducens

  • trigeminal

Ivan Pavlov performed experiments on

  • origin of life

  • cardiac reflexes

  • simple reflexes

  • conditioned reflexes

Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of a

  • nephron

  • oviduct

  • vas deferens

  • caecum

In motor neuron the impulse following in which direction?

  • In two direction

  • In one drection

  • In all direction

  • None of the above


From acrosome, which secretes

  • hyaluronic acid

  • hyaluronidase

  • TSH

  • fertilizin
